I just planted a Himalayan birch in a container. My balcony is on the 24th floor (windy) and faces north (open shade) in Chicago. I'm clear on its watering/fertilizing needs during summer, but what about in the depths of winter? Will I need to water it all winter the same as summer? Even when it's below freezing? Can I help protect it from freezing by wrapping the container with bubble wrap? I'd appreciate any advice, as my previous tree did not survive last winter; it was a Japanese Maple, and I'm told that this tree was a poor choice for me to start with and really never had a chance of surviving.
Containers can be wrapped for winter protection or moved to a protected area or indoors. Watering should be ceased throughout winter (giving occasional watering once a month), as the trees will go dormant. These articles will offer additional help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/trees/tgen/growing-trees-in-containers.htm
We have numerous sprouts along the lateral root system of our White Birch trees. When we dig them out, we pull out long pieces of lateral surface root with several sprouts on them. We would like to know of a less labor intensive method of removing the sprouts.
This may help:
We live in Aurora Co. We have a river birch tree that faces the west. We have noticed sap oozing down the trunk. It looks grayish/white. We have also noticed a hissing sound. Should we treat the tree with anything?
Sound like slime flux, or bacterial wetwood. This article should help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/trees/tgen/wetwood-bleeding-trees.htm
My 3 year old birch trees were bruised at the base of the tree, scraped and debarked by the lawn mower. What should I do to the area?
This article should help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/trees/tgen/repairing-tree-bark-damage.htm
I was surprised to learn that a river birch could be grown in a container. I would like to know if the tree can stay outside or should it protected somehow during winter months. I live in western NY-Zone 5.
Treat plants in containers as though they are growing in one zone lower than your current zone. So, since you live in Zone 5, you will need to find a variety of river birch that survives in Zone 4 in order to grow it in containers outside year round where you live.
We have a birch tree, quite large and probably 15 or more years old. It has a large colony of red ants on and around the roots. Will this harm the tree? What is the best way to kill the ants?
Whether they will harm the tree, I am not certain though it's not likely. Here is an article for getting rid of ants that you may find helpful: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/pests/insects/get-rid-of-ants.htm
My river birch tree is growing well this year, probably due all the rain this growing season. I would like to prune it because it is getting in the way of the walking path. How do I prune it without hurting it? Is there anytime that I should not prune this tree?
This article should help: https://www.gardenguides.com/69247-prune-river-birch.html