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Saffron Crocus

Q.Saffron – Growing Indoors And Outdoors

Zone Olathe, KS | Anonymous added on October 29, 2023 | Answered

I read your “Growing Saffron Indoors: Care Of Saffron Crocus In The Home” post and I am a bit confused. You mention planting saffron crocus in 6 inch pot in Sept/Oct. Situate in cold room with 6 hours sun and water every other day until grass-like foliage begins to die back, usually around APRIL. At this point move the container to warmer area to simulate spring temps. The very next sentence states every other day watering at this stage should begin again. But further down you state that once saffron finishes blooming you STOP WATERING, move back to cold room for dormant period which is APRIL-SEPTEMBER. I am confused as both these info points about April-September and watering cannot be correct. Or, do you water every other day for the first season of your bulbs from October 22 through October 23? Then once your indoor crocus bloom that first season (sept/oct 23) only then do you stop watering during the April through September dormant period????? Thank you for your help. I want to be successful at growing saffron in both indoor and outdoor locations. Also, for outdoor growing, I see the bulbs are safe to -15 degrees. This area can dip below -10. Should these bulbs be covered with leaves during extreme winter temps months?Zone 5 United States

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 30, 2023

You are in USDA hardiness zone 6, so you shouldn't have any trouble growing it outside. I see what you mean about the confusing text on the indoor saffron. I had trouble sorting it, too. From what I read in other sources, the dormancy period is later, July and August. When you bring the pot into the warm environment, that is what will initiate dormancy. The foliage will die back and the heat (of summer if outside) will send it into dormancy. And use your instincts on the watering. Too much water will rot the bulbs. Let the soil begin to dry out between waterings, but water it before it is completely dry. When it is dormant, it needs little to no water.

This article is more clear on the life cycle:


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