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Saffron Crocus

Q.Saffron Crocus Sprouting In Window Boxs In Cool Dark Basement. Is That Bad ?

Zone milroy , pa 17063 | PlantingPaul added on December 30, 2023 | Answered

bought saffron crocus bulbs. planted in window boxxes. put in cold , dark basement for planned spring debut. Sprouting now , in the cool , dark. should I bring them upstairs to partial sun , house temps or just let them be until spring and put them outside in full sun then ?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on January 1, 2024

Likely, it is not cool enough to initiate dormancy. This storage temperature should be between 35 and 45 degrees to halt growth. Even then, they can have an issue with sprouting due to any moisture being present. Personally, I would store these out of soil using a method that allows you to keep them dry and dark.

You can choose to let it go, and reduce flowering, or you can force it back into dormancy until very early spring.

Personally, since you are well within their growing limits, I would let them go dormant outside. This would be a surefire way to keep them dormant until spring. Expecially if you are attempting to induce dormancy in container. They aren't the easiest to keep in human made dormancy, properly.



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