Q.Saffron Bulbs Are Already Blooming, Nov. 6th
I live in NYS, zone 6a. We’ve had an extended bout of warm weather BUT are predicted to have a colder than normal winter. Could they possibly bloom again in Spring? Thanks.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
If they are truly saffron bulbs (Crocus sativus), they are supposed to bloom in the fall and won't bloom again in spring.
If you have spring-blooming crocus that are blooming now, they won't bloom again in spring. When a bulb starts to bloom prematurely, you can cover them up with more soil and/or mulch to try to prevent them from blooming. Spring-blooming crocus needs winter chilling to bloom, so those may not be what you have.
There is another fall blooming crocus you may have - autumn crocus (Colchicum), which is a member of the lily family.
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