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Banana Pepper Plants

Q.Rust on Vegetables

Anonymous added on October 25, 2012 | Answered

Is it safe to put green beans that are afflicted with rust in an extend the season mini-greenhouse with banana peppers? Or will the peppers get rusty, too? I’ve treated the beans, but am not sure whether to put them together.

They are in pots and I’ve created a small hot bed using polycarbonate panels. I know it won’t last long, but the peppers and beans have bloomed and are producing. We live in Michigan, so this time of year is cool and rainy so I know how the fungal problem occurred.

I’m keeping the green bean plants dry and treating them in the garage. Can I move them to the mini-greenhouse? Are peppers suspectible to rust? I realize it is fungal, but if I put the treated beans with a bit of rust on them in with the peppers, do I run the risk of the peppers ‘catching’ it?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 25, 2012

As long as the plants have been treated, it should be ok. As a precaution, I would recommend treating the peppers too. This should at least minimize the chances of having them pick up the fungus. Neem oil is a good, organic fungicide that will help treat rust problems.

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