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Q.Run Off Area That Stays Wet…can I Make This Work As A Rain Garden?

Zone 22602 | Anonymous added on March 18, 2022 | Answered

I have an area of our yard, right along the back property line, where the rain run off from several properties run through. It is supposed to run through our neighbors yard and into a storm drainage, but due to a hill on their property, it does not. Sometimes is is like a river flowing through there. We planted 4 river birches about 4 years ago but it has not made a difference. I would like to plant some water loving plants there mainly so I don’t have to try to mow it and for appearances! I read about rain gardens and wondered if I can adapt that idea to work for us? This picture is from 3 or 4 years ago and during a heavy rain. It isn’t usually this wet but the area by the 2 birch trees on the left is where it stays wet (even in the summer) making it impossible to mow that area and I wanted to plant something!! Our yard extends only about 2 or 3 feet past the river birches so you can see our neighbors yard is even worse. We tried to get developer or county to do something without success. The backyard neighbor is not part of my neighborhood so the builder would not take responsibility. Thank you!

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