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Q.Red Twig Dogwoods

mcmurry added on February 2, 2011 | Answered

Can you grow Red Twig dogwoods in Zones 7-8? And like other dogwoods, can they be planted under an overhead canopy? I have a row of pine trees along a drainage ditch. I have two regular dogwoods among the pines, and bought a Red Twig dogwood to add some additional color, but it pretty much died in 6 months and was totally dead in a year. The ditch does not hold water and I tried to just let it grow naturally like the regular dogwoods. Should I have watered it more often?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on February 4, 2011

Red Twig dogwoods should be fine in zones 7 and 8. It does sound like it died from transplant shock. Newly planted trees should be given extra water for at least 6 months, if you plant them in the spring (which is the best time to plants them. This helps to encourage them to grow new roots and establish well in the new spot. These articles will help for the future:


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Answered on February 4, 2011

Thanks Heather.

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