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Serviceberry Plants

Q.Pruning Serviceberry Tree

Zone Zone 6 | Anonymous added on February 6, 2019 | Answered

We have a mature Serviceberry tree (20 yrs old) and we need to prune it back, and/or cut away overgrown trunks. This tree is our favorite, but we did not know how to prune it. It now has multiple trunks from the ground, spreading wide, some leaning and some have grown into the gutter. Can we remove the outer trunks for re-shaping and still maintain a healthy tree. It is located on the north side of our house approximately 12-15 feet from the house. Any suggestions will be most appreciated.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 7, 2019

Yes you will be able to do this just fine. Only take one branch, then wait a few days before taking more. Here is an article for more information on their care: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/serviceberries/growing-serviceberries.htm

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