I live in zone 9. Can I still be able to grow this shrub and have no problems with it? Thank you.
It needs a dormant period to do well and in your area, it would not get that dormant period. It would not do well in your zone.
I'm in zone 5a. How late in the fall could I put in a new tree (serviceberry bush)?
In zone 5, a serviceberry can be transplanted in September, October, or November.
Bark on one side of the tree is peeling. Some branches have died & there are some leaves turning yellow. We've heard this may be a type of fungus that affects hardwood trees & the tree should be removed immediately. Is a service berry a hardwood tree? Are there steps to take to save the tree? Thank you for your assistance.
This could be Fire Blight, common on Serviceberry.
Here are some links with more information.
These bushes produce berries on last years growth, so do I prune all the branches that grew berries THIS summer?
In cases like this you will prune new growth one year, and SOME of the old, the next. These will be pruned once a year, typically in winter. Here is an article that will help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/serviceberries/growing-serviceberries.htm
We were advised to use amelanchier trees as part of a hedge ( probably not the best advice!) They are now five years old and have never been pruned and we wondered do we prune, leave alone, take off every third branch? We're not sure and they have now become entwined with the beech and hawthorn in the hedge. We would be most grateful if you could help. Kind regards Diana Rowland
I can say that you will want to do this during dormancy, or at the latest, early spring. You will want to take growth a little at a time, pruning out crossing branches.
This article will give you more information: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/serviceberries/growing-serviceberries.htm
How to propagate Saskatoon berry
This website will help: http://homeguides.sfgate.com/growing-serviceberry-seeds-55059.html
This article will give you information on their care once they are established: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/serviceberries/growing-serviceberries.htm
Where can I get a plant
There are many reputable companies online that will ship just about anywhere in the world. I buy trees online more than I shop locally, however, you can check your local gardening centers, and orchards for more information.