Q.pruning long necks on garden anthuriums
I cant seem to find any info on pruning my Anthuriums that have long leggy stems. they have been growing im my garden in Hawaii for years but have become long necked with air roots everywhere.
what is the best way to prune or split and replant?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
I would make sure not to prune off the top of the plant, only the leaf stems. You can leave the roots to be above the ground, or you can cover them with mulch.
As far as splitting them... If you find a section that has, both, a top and roots that will come off together, then you may treat this as another plant. hhhhhhhhhh
Several resources suggest pruning from the top down, always leaving at least 3 leaves intact. If the lower green leaves in the picture are from a different stem, you can completely remove the leggy stem.