Q.Pruning climbing roses
What should I do with all the long new growth on my climbing rose..tie them in or cut them back?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It looks like your climbing rose is very well established, thus my answer is to do a little of both. Prune some out and tie others in. Tie them in in areas that have a bit of room left for infill. It mainly has to do with the look you are going for. Many times I would caution folks about pruning out any new growth as many of the older climbing roses bloom on what is called the "old wood" or the previous year's growth. Thus pruning it out sacrifices the following year's blooms. However in the case of this well established rose, I believe you will be okay with the mix of tieing some off and into the picture and removing others that would be adding to an already thickly grown in area.