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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Propagating dogwoods

Zone Taylorsville, CA | Anonymous added on April 13, 2018 | Answered


I was reading the “Starting Dogwoods from Cuttings” article (https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/trees/dogwood/starting-dogwood-cuttings.htm) and have two questions. First, what do you mean by “as soon as the tree completes its BLOOM CYCLE”? Also, what happens after you transplant from the rooting medium into the larger pot? Do you keep it outside? If its not ready to plant that year, how do you overwinter it?

Thank you so much,

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 14, 2018

After the bloom cycle would mean when the tree is done blooming.

Your tree seedling should continue growing after moving up to a slightly larger pot.

You can place the young seedlings into a bright but indirect sun location in the garden that is sheltered to harden them off.
You can gradually move the new seedlings to a sunny location.

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