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Desert Rose Plants

Q.Problem With My Desert Roses

Zone 34222-3632 | baw1999 added on October 4, 2022 | Answered

I have found a small caterpillar type bug on my plants that is destroying them. Someone suggested I spray them with Dawn dish soap and water. Almost immediately, the leaves have turned brown. I rinsed the plants and ground around them, but it didn’t seen to help. HELP, what should I do?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 4, 2022

You have to be very careful when applying dish soap, as you will only need just a small drop. It will be necessary to apply this, only, when the sun is not out in full force.

A better approach to insect control would be Bacillus thuringiensis. This naturally occurring bacterium will take out anything feeding on your plants, and in the soil, while not causing any damage to you or your plants.

For now, soaking the soil well, and allowing the plant to recover on its own will be the only way forward. Just be sure that the soil has a chance to dry back out, or else the roots will rot.



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