Q.potted grape hyacinths {xmas present}
I have bulbs in pots. When is the best time to lift them and when should I plant them outside?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Given that these are hardy bulbs, they generally do not require lifting unless in extremely cold regions. Planting is usually performed in fall for spring blooming. That does not mean you can't go ahead and plant them now, only that you may not see any blooms until the next season. If it gets cold enough where you live to chill them in the ground, you can plant them in fall. But, if it does not get cold enough for them to get the chill time they need to flower, you will need to pre-chill them and plant them after they are pre-chilled.
Here is an article or two that you may find helpful: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/bulbs/grape-hyacinth/planting-and-care-of-grape-hyacinths.htm