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Elaeocarpus Trees

Q.Post-freeze Care For Japanese Blueberry Trees

Zone 77494 | reggieut@aol.com added on March 22, 2021 | Answered

How do I know if my Japanese Blueberry trees are still alive after the recent freeze we had in mid-February where temperatures got down to the low-mid teens at night for 2-3 days? I live in Hardiness Zone 9a. The trees are 9 years old and are about 15-20′ high. They were in excellent health before the freeze (very green), but afterwards, all the leaves are light brown. The trunks (no cracks in the bark) and branches look healthy. I slightly pruned a few low hanging branches, but didn’t see any green. Thanks !

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 22, 2021

If the branches are brittle, then it is dead. If there is some bend to them, and they do not snap when you do so, it will still be alive.

It will be hard to say from a photo, but your local extension service can be of help, here. This link will help you to find the closest to you:


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