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Container Ponytail Palm Trees

Q.Ponytail palm

Zone 37166 | Toni76 added on June 11, 2016 | Answered

I have no gardening experience and I received my ponytail palm for Mother’s Day this year and I love it, so unique and beautiful. I would love to start and grow my own palm but I’m not sure exactly what a pony or shoot is. My pony has 5 branches and seems to be doing very well but I am about to repot it because I would like for it to reach about 2 ft tall. So my questions are….where and what does a pony look like (or what part of pony can I use to grow my own from start)? I don’t know what to detach or cut off my plant to do this task. And the 2nd question is what size pot should I repot it in since I want it to grow approx 2 to 3 ft tall. As you can see in picture, it’s approx 10 to 12 ininches from trunk [soil] to top of my branches [leaves]. I don’t want to plant it in to big pot and kill it or too big of pot and it grows over 3 ft (3 ft is limit I want it at). Can you please help by answering my questions? I would really appreciate the help and time for your response.

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Answered on June 13, 2016
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Container Ponytail Palm Trees
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