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Poinsettia Plants

Q.Poinsettia Displays In March/April!

Zone UK (so houseplant only) | Anonymous added on April 28, 2021 | Answered

I have a 3 year old poinsettia, originally bought in display at Christmas. The first year I dark treated it in October, the following year September but by Xmas it is barely reddening and each year has displayed in Mar/April. Right now (end Apr) it has flowers and STILL has new bracts reddening. I know that by rights it should be leafless and I should prune it but I am reluctant to disrupt its growth cycle . What should I do to get it to display for Christmas?! Advice very gratefully received.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 29, 2021

I would keep this one going like it is and buy a new one this fall. But, if you only want one, here are the instructions for Christmas blooming. Make sure you follow them exactly.

Have you been following these instructions exactly? Including the dormancy, repotting, fertilizing, etc.

You are very adventurous! Most people don't try this.


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