It is now November in Kentucky and I have moved my poinsettias into a darker cooler room. They still look healthy but what do I need to do to have them blooming at Christmas?
This article has directions for how to get a poinsettia to "bloom" again:
How do you make poinsettia leaves turn red?
This article will help you:
I left a good one on the porch overnight by mistake. . . probably 38-40 degrees outside. The leaves have a wilted look. I brought it inside. . . will it come back?
Poinsettia are very cold tender (which is kind of funny when you consider it is a "Christmas" plant). The leaves will die when they are exposed to cold and they can't be revived. It may regrow those leaves, but that will take many months. If you are looking for a pretty poinsettia for the holidays, you will need to go buy a new one.
I've been told that poinsettias are not red but white; and to make them red, you must do something or something is done to them before they go to the stores. Exactly what is done to make them turn red (including the history of that)? Can you help?
The poinsettia "flower" is actually not a flower, but the leaves of the plant changing color. They can be either white for red naturally. Here are directions for making them run color:
I have had a poinsettia for about a week. It is not receiving indirect sunlight, the room is not cold (average temperture 18 to 20 C), and it has not been over watered. Yet, all the green leaves are dropping off.
Check the room for drafts. Poinsettias are very subceptible to cold air. Even if the overall room is the right temp, if a cold draft is hitting it, say when a door opens or from a drafty window, this can cause leaf drop.
Poinsettia stay freshest in a cool room. It it get too hot the leaves will drop. Keep them in a room that is 60-65 degrees at night.-70-75 during day. Ideal location is south or west window with bright light, doesn't have to be direct. Keep away from drafts, window, doors or heating vents.
Why is my new poinsettia plant losing its green leaves?
It probably is not getting enough water. Sometimes they do not water them well at the store. Soak the pot in a tub of water for an hour or so and then let the water drain away. This will rehydrate the soil to the center of the rootball, which may have been left dry too many times at the store to properly hydrate.
I have a beautiful, huge poinsettia that was doing great but now looks to be dying. It was doing great from Thanksgiving to right after Christmas when I had to remove the table in front of the picture window and consequently had to put the poinsettia further away from the sunlight. It is now shriveling up, dropping leaves, and looks awful. Can I save it?
If you give it the care it needs to thrive, it will regrow its leaves, but this could take some time. And when they do regrow, they will be green, and not colored. You have to wait until next year to get the leaves to change color. You also have to weigh if waiting for the leaves to regrow is worth the effort.
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