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Q.Planting dahlia tubers

Zone 98012 | Ghostridersfarm added on April 29, 2016 | Answered

Planting dahlia tubers that have been used to harvest starts. This is my first year taking dahlia cuttings. I have gotten all I need, but a lot of the tubers have new growth, not big enough to take cuttings from but green and healthy. Can I plant the tubers like I normally would and, if so, do I need to remove the new growth? Or can I just plant them with the very top leaves exposed to take advantage of the head start?

Thanks for your time!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 30, 2016

Go ahead and plant them, the fact that they have new growth ("sprouts") means they're healthy!

This article may help you:


Good luck with your cuttings!

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