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Hyacinth Plant

Q.peonies caring for them before winter arrives

Zone 97739 Zone 3 | denisestef added on October 16, 2018 | Answered

Hello! we relocated from Arizona to central Oregon laty year. The property had a couple of peonie bushes that bloomed in the Spring. The plants are now brown.

Do I cut them back or what shall I do this month (October) before winter arrives so that they will bloom again next Spring! We live in a Zone 3.

They are my favorite flower!

Also, I planted some Irises this Spring. How do I prep them for winter?

Thank you,
Denise Stefanisin

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on October 16, 2018

If peonies are brown, cut them down. Remove all plant debris. Several inches of wood mulch over the crown is sufficient winter protection. Iris will continue to slowly grow leaves until they freeze. Cut them down to 4-6 inches when convenient for you. Again, remove plant debris as they sometimes harbor insects. No special winter protection is necessary. If fall is dry, water your plants gently. Plant roots that are dry going into winter are more likely to suffer winter kill than well-hydrated ones.

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