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Lily Plants

Q.Peacock Lilies Not Flowered This Year

Zone S9 1PP | Anonymous added on October 13, 2022 | Answered

last year i planted some peacock lilies & then middle to late summer, they bloomed and bloomed for about 6 weeks – a marvelous display, they were in some large planters ( about size of a standard bucket) – for the winter i took them in to the shed (the shed is clad in 1″ thick pine) although cold its never freezing inside. so as i said they were stored over winter in the shed, i waited until the leaves turned brown then cut them off – then after we put the clocks on late march i took them outside – this year however they have not flowered – is it because i left them in the soil ? should i have removed them ? – are they likely to flower next year.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 23, 2022

They may have rotted in the soil. You can check the soil for them. They do best lifted in the fall and stored in an area that stays around 50 degrees F. Here is more:


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