Can I plant new lilies in soil that has had previous issues with lily beetles? If so, what treatment is recommended if they reappear?
I would treat the soil with neem oil, as this will kill any larva that may still be in the soil. This article will help you if any of them reappear after you plant:
Here is info on neem oil too:
How much heat can a Japanese lily withstand?
As long as it gets enough water, it can take temperatures into the upper end of of most area's summer. The hotter it is, the more water it will need.
Why do lilies fall over after they bloom?
It is normal for them to bend over when the blooms start to get old. Once the flowers have been pollinated and start to set seed, they will naturally bend over, often all the way to the ground. You should even see the seed pod on the inside of the lily.
This black grasshopper looking thing, is it a locust? It began small, 1/4 inch, now it is about 1 to 1/2 inch and my beautifully healthy lily plant is eaten away. They eat and live on the leaves. There is a golfball size hole in the side of the woody stem. The plant is 5 or 6 years old. I squirt them off the plant but they are back the same or next day. I have had them as big as grasshoppers. Can you give me a natural pesticide to save my plant, if I can?
This article will help:
How do I get rid of slugs that are eating my flowers outside? They are eating all of the leaves on my lilies.
This article will help:
How do you propagate leopard lily?
This article may help:
What to do with pixie lillies after they have bloomed?
You can cut off dead flowers but leave as much stem as possible since these feed the bulbs for next year. Keep reasonably watered and that is all there is to it.