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Pampas Grass

Q.Pampas Grass

Zone South east | sibthorpe@btinternet.com added on August 12, 2012 | Answered

I have an out of control pampas grass, which I would like to clear but don’t know how to destroy it. I have tried cutting it back, but as you know it simply grows back. Is there any sort of weed killer that I could use?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 13, 2012

Once you cut the plant back to the ground, you'll need to dig up as much of the root system as possible using a shovel, pick axe, etc. Be sure to discard these in trash bags or burn (if in a suitable location and it's safe to do so). Then apply a glyphosate herbicide (like Roundup) to the freshly dug area as well as to any plants that may pop back up. It may take several applications to fully eradicate the plant but with vigilence and patience, you will eventually win the battle.

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