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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Pampas grass

Zone Madison, Nebraska 68748 | randles62 added on October 15, 2016 | Answered

I received pampas grass seeds in the mail with no instructions as to how to plant them. Do I plant in fall or spring? The seeds are very tiny. Do I separate them or plant all together? There were two small packets.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 16, 2016

Start your pampas grass seeds in spring, either indoors in containers or directly on the ground. Indoors, use a seed starting medium, and scatter the seeds on the surface of the soil. Keep them evenly moist until they germinate. Transplant to the desired outdoor location when they're about 5 inches high, and water them daily for the first week or so.

Outdoors, if you want the pampas grass to eventually grow in clumps, prepare areas of soil with compost about 8 feet apart from each other. Scatter some seeds on top of each patch of soil. Water the seeds daily until they begin to grow.

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