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Q.Oleander Dangers?

Zone 94598 | Anonymous added on April 12, 2021 | Answered

I know ingesting Oleander is a deadly poison. However, is there any danger in planting oleanders around a patio where one might have a table with food? I don’t know if there are droplets or ‘gasses’ emanating from the plant or any similar danger. Of course, we’d make sure no leaves from the oleander get onto the table or the food! Please advise. Thank you!

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 12, 2021

Research shows that a child eating even a single leaf can be fatal. I didn't find anything that says there are toxins that emanate from the plant, however, the leaves are just as toxic when they're dry, so I imagine their dust isn't good to be around. I suggest looking for something else to plant near an eating area, just to be safe and free from worry.
Here's a good article about it:

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