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Birch Trees

Q.newly planted birch trees

Zone 93003 | Anonymous added on July 12, 2017 | Answered

3 months ago a gardener planted 3 small birch trees in my front yard; the woody part of the tree looks healthy, but some of the leaves are brown and some are green. Should I just cut away the brown? Did the trees go into “shock”? I live in Ventura,CA (about 1 mile from the coast) and temps here average between 55-80 degrees basically year round. I see many beautiful birches in my neighborhood so I think this is a good tree for this area-pretty much everything grows here-but these brown leaves have me concerned. Should I treat the soil, and if so, with what?


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 13, 2017

Watering a newly planted tree is crucial to the tree setting roots and becoming established.

A tree will shut down energy to it's leaves first to survive. Some browning of leaves is likely to happen in a newly planted tree.

You can certainly trim away any dead leaves to clean up the tree.



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