Q.My poor little peach tree it’s a dwarf but it does have
My poor little peach tree it’s a dwarf but it does have real peaches supposedly on it. Although I may not get to find out since it looks like something is eating the leaves. There are small little holes in them and I’m not sure what to do. When I asked at the Home Depot the lady there said to bring it inside and dust it with dishwashing soap, joy in particular. I’m not sure this is a good idea I don’t want to kill it. I just don’t know what to do!! You guys have been so helpful and I’m totally afraid she’s going to die and she’s absolutely beautiful. I’m going to upload a picture hopefully someone will know what to do help help help.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
There could be any number of bugs eating your little peach tree. Here's an article that will tell you how
to get rid of them: