Regarding fertilizer for peach trees, I have a second year semi-dwarf peach tree. What should I use for fertilizer? How about steer manure, or fireplace ash? When I planted this tree, I mixed a lot of dead leaves in with the soil.
Steer manure is good, but I would make sure to balance the high nitrogen in it with a phosphorus amendment. Otherwise you could end up with fewer flowers/fruit.
Wood ash is good as well, but scatter it lightly, as in concentrated quantities, it can hurt the plant.
I have had a peach tree in a sunny location for three years now. It's a dwarf tree. I have numerous peaches every year. However, they are all very small (1 1/2 to 2 inches max. ). Am I leaving too many on the tree to grow or not fertilizing enough?
I would recommend phosphorus heavy fertilizer. This will help with fruiting.
I have a dwarf peach tree. I have fertilized it with 10-10-10 and I give it plenty of water, but the leaves are small and they look deformed. I've had it for 4 seasons and it has yet to produce any fruit. What am I doing wrong?
It sounds like you have peach curl. This article this will help you:
My dwarf peach tree's leaves are curling and have a kind of sticky substance on them. The tree is loaded with peaches, so how can I treat the leaf curl situation?
Peach tree leaf curl is a common fungal disease among these fruit trees. Prevention is the best form of attack against the disease, however. Once your tree has developed leaf curl, it is difficult to save your peach harvest. Unfortunately, fungicide will not kill this disease. Prune off diseased portions of the tree and try to thin out the number of peaches you have on the tree. Also clean up any debris that may have fallen. In late fall, you can treat with a fixed copper fungicide to try and prevent the re-occurrence of the disease.
This article will help too:
Any why this is happening? It is aboit 2-3 ft off the ground. This is the 2nd spring I've had the tree and it's over 6 ft tall.
This look like damage from a deer or similar animal rubbing its horns on it. This can be prevented with fencing, or tree wraps.
I’m being ornery , my homeowners association won’t allow me to plant any fruit trees, but it doesn’t say anywhere that I can’t have one in a pot ! I bought a 15 gal beautiful dwarf donut peach. My question is, how big should the pot/container be ? Height ? Width ? The tree is already 6 feet tall . Thank you ??
This article will help you.
The peaches on my dwarf tree look great. I cull, spray all season, but the fruit either falls off or stays hard as rock. I've tried ripening fruit indoors, in paper bags, etc., but they get soft on the outside and rot rather than ripen. What can I do to get ripe fruit?
Fruit trees require precise care and lots of things can affect fruit quality and crop. They need pruning, thinning, water, fertilizer and cooperative weather. These articles should help produce ripening fruit.