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Pineapple Sage

Q.My pineapple sage, gets buds, but it won’t bloom. The buds look like they are scriveling up like it as a fungus or ?? I am not s

Zone White Salmon, Washington (zone 7) | borg.betty added on July 20, 2019 | Answered

ure what is causing this?? The first year I planted the Pineapple sage, it grew & bloomed. The 2nd year & this year it did not
bloom, but it looks healthy until the buds come out & then the buds start looking like they are dying?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 22, 2019

Plants will wilt if too dry; leaves will begin to curl up when the plant is dry. Keep evenly moist throughout the season to prevent leaves from dropping.

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