What kind of fertilizer and when to apply
Pineapple Sage does not need lots of attention or fertilizer.
You can apply a light application of an all purpose fertilizer once in spring and then again 6 to 8 weeks later in the summer.
How far down do I cut it back? My plant has finally died back as winter has come at last to N. California. Should I be careful to cut above a leaf node and how much do I leave? My plant is about 4 feet tall and planted from nursery stock 1 1/2 yrs ago.
You can cut this back to within a few inches from the ground. It will come back even bigger the next season. This article will give you more information on the plant: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/herbs/sage/pineapple-sage-plant.htm
ure what is causing this?? The first year I planted the Pineapple sage, it grew & bloomed. The 2nd year & this year it did not bloom, but it looks healthy until the buds come out & then the buds start looking like they are dying?
Plants will wilt if too dry; leaves will begin to curl up when the plant is dry. Keep evenly moist throughout the season to prevent leaves from dropping.