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Climbing Roses

Q.my magenta climbing roses did not produce last year

Zone oklahoma | ALewis added on April 19, 2015 | Answered

My magenta climbing roses did not produce last year and this year instead of roses I am getting white flowers. Is something wrong with them?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 25, 2015

It sounds like you climbing rosebush was/is what is know as a grafted rosebush. The top desired rosebush has died at some point and the healthy and hardy rootstock rosebush has taken over. I suggest that you prune it way down and dig it out. Then buy a climbing or other rosebush that you like the looks of and plant her there. The rosebush you loved does appear to be gone. However, if it is only a cane or two that are producing white blooms and you do still get some of your originally magenta blooms, prune out just the white blooming canes all the way down into the ground, as that is the root stock trying to take over or perhaps it is what is called a sport of the original rosebush. Here is a link to an article for you on grafted rosebushes: >> https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/roses/own-root-roses-grafted-roses.htm

Stan The Rose Man

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