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Lemon Cypress

Q.My Lemon Cypress Is Turning Brown

Zone 11427, Zone 7 | Anonymous added on January 6, 2022 | Answered

Hello, I bought three lemon cypresses just before Christmas and the stems are turning brown. The leaves themselves are still green at the moment. Please see the attachment as an example. I have tried to water them at least once or twice a week as I was told that they like a lot of water. On one occasion they may have dried out too much. Can they be saved? Thank you for your assistance.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on January 6, 2022

It may be getting too much water. Here are some care tips that should help: Lemon cypress needs a cool environment and lots of sun. Put it in the coolest room in your house with as much light as possible. Turn it weekly so all sides of the plant get sun. Make sure it is not sitting near a heater vent. Water when the soil starts to dry. Here is more:


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