I have 3 jobs and go to school. Always running late... I watered my little tree every day for the first 2 or 3 months. Didn't fertilize, didn't replant. It didn't grow but stayed green. I've been busier lately and keep forgetting to water. It's been like a month and a half!! I wasn't worried because it stayed bright green! Then one day, the yellow took over! And I've been watering it but it doesn't seem to be taking the water, :( it just sits there. Help! Can I save it? I live in southern California. Is it a bad time to put it into a bigger pot or to feed it? Is there any emergency food I can give it? :( Thank you.
Don't fertilize your stressed plant until it recovers, because that will only stress it more. Just keep watering whenever the soil is beginning to get dry, but don't overwater either. Your plant is probably taking the water and slowly recovering.
To prevent this from happening again, consider adding mulch to the pot on top of the soil. This will help conserve water. But it will still need watering on a regular schedule.
I have a small Lemon Cypress tree I was keeping inside for the winter. It turned all brown. If I put it outside and continue to water it, will it come back or is it a goner?
Trees often lose leaves and/or turn brown when they're indoors for the winter, because it's difficult to give outdoor plants enough light indoors, and the humidity level can also be a problem. However, most of these plants will come back in the spring. Try moving your plant outside gradually so it has time to adjust, as explained in this article:
Also, be sure not to overwater the plant until it starts growing again. Check the soil each time and water when the soil is dry, but don't let the soil stay soggy.
We had a beautiful Lemon Cypress a few months ago. Although we cared of it as best we could, it dried out and could not be saved. Now I have a new one in a pot. What would be the best way to keep it healthy and thriving in or around the house? Thanks, Agnes
Lemon Cypress trees do need quite a lot of water, especially in pots. Make sure to water this new one whenever the soil starts to dry out. Do let it dry out, though - it's easy to overcompensate and accidentally drown a potted plant.
Maybe even more important that water is light. Lemon Cypress trees need lots of sun and really don't do well in the shade. Make sure it's in a place that gets full sun.
This article should help you more with the ins and outs of Lemon Cypress care: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/trees/cypress/lemon-cypress-care.htm
I am very interested in acquiring one or two of the small lemon cypress for planting in pots as decoration both in my home and outside in summer. Do you carry these? How much would it be for me to purchase 2 and have them shipped to my home in Harrisonburg, VA? I'll so much look forward to hearing from you. Barbara Brooke 4041 Dalt Drive Rockingham, VA 22801 busybuzzy45@hotmail.com 240-284-0650
We do not sell plants on this site, we provide garden information.
Check with your local garden centers and greenhouses.
Do a Google search for sellers; as they may ship directly to you.
I was given two lemon crypress plants from a local grocery store because the needles were dry and apparently dead. They are still green but fall off hen you touch them. I thought I try to save them. I took off all the brittle needles and some needles are still attached. Do I have a chance????? The needles are green but brittle. Any suggestions? Have watered good. Thanks
Give them as much light as possible, and they may come back. This plant typically needs a lot of water, but in their weakened state they won't be using much, so make sure the soil doesn't stay too wet (but doesn't get bone dry either). Here are more tips for caring for lemon cypress:
And here's how to tell if a plant is dead:
My small grump tree is not brown but is dropping it’s needles and feels dry to the touch. How can I revive it?
Grump tree is often lemon cypress. If it is in the container from Trader Joe's, repot to a larger pot using a quality potting soil mix. Soak the plant weekly and water in-between soaks if the indoor air is drying it out quickly. It must have bright sunlight; turn the plant frequently so a different side gets sun. If your area doesn't receive bright sunlight, use supplemental lighting.
I water it once a week I keep it on my window sill lots of sunlight. I need to know what to use for repotting it? Also would you know if lemon cypress is dangerous for pets?
You can use all purpose potting soil. That will be just fine. I cannot find any literature on it being poisonous to pets... But it may cause skin irritation at most. I don't see it being a problem. Here is an article that will give you more information: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/trees/cypress/lemon-cypress-care.htm