Q.My large mature California Juniper’s (not 100% sure thats the name of the tree) leaves are turning brown but still green at the
very ends of the branches. It hasn’t been getting much water for the past 2 months as I have been gone and the sprinklers stopped working. I want to save it but don’t want to give it too much water. Please help with any suggestions

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
From the photo and your description, it appears to be a water deficit (drought stress) issue that is causing the die-back. Watering is the only thing that will save it. Water not just at the base of the tree but the entire root zone, which can extend as far as the foliar canopy and more. Don't worry about watering too much for a short term effort to revive the tree. Long term, over the winter and next year, avoid excessive water. But also avoid drought stress; you can deep water once a month in addition to what your irrigation system has been providing.