Q.My Green Succulent Is Turning Rust Red.
Purchased a beautiful bright green succulent (name unknown) the size of 1/2 a cantalope with upright spikes. Planted with sedums and some annuals in large container provided by my apt bldg. Has gradually turned rust red, starting at the tips of the spikes and moving down to the base of the plant. Wondering if it’s dirt, disease or watering that’s the problem.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Unfortunately your photo did not come through. Most true succulents will not survive in the conditions that Sedum will require, unless you keep the sedum on the dry side.
Many succulents will require much less light than Sedum can handle as well. Several can burn in full sun.
Again, the care of the plant will depend on what type of plant that it is, unfortunately.
Here is an article for planning a, general, succulent bed: