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Bleeding Heart Plants

Q.my bleeding hearts never bloom and turn brown all summer long

Zone Madison, WI, 53716 | Anonymous added on August 17, 2020 | Answered

Hi, I live in south central Wisconsin, and I planted a few bleeding heart plants a couple of summers ago, and they have never bloomed. I thought by the second year they would. I have them in mostly shade. We have had tons of rain, and hot weather in between. yet despite the rain, they simply turn brown. They look dead, but always come back in the spring. I would love some help with this! thank you!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 19, 2020

It is normal for the plants to grow, bloom, then the foliage dies back to the ground and goes dormant till the next spring. If yours is skipping the bloom period, it may be too young or it may need a fertilizer program as outlined below:



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