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Q.Multiple Oleander Baby Plants In One Pot?

myindoorgarden added on July 3, 2021 | Answered

Hello! I received three very young oleander plants (ca. 28-25cm tall). I am not sure if I can plant all three together in one pot for a bushier look (and space saving). I intend to grow this plant indoors since I do not have a garden. Summer outing to the balcony is possible : ) I’ve read that oleander plants need to be spaced out in the garden, but I am not sure if the same applies for potted plants. Will they compete with each other for space, effecting their happiness? I’m looking forward to get an expect opinion : ) Thank you in advance! Eve

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 4, 2021

I would separate them, or carefully remove all but one. (This plant is quite toxic.) They will compete, more, for space in container than they will outside.

Garden centers, and vendors, will follow this bad practice for a bushier look. It is not how the plant prefers to grow. Ultimately, it will grow better with a single plant per container.

Here is an article that will help:


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