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Q.Moving Plants

Zone Dt29ff | Anonymous added on March 16, 2021 | Answered

We have just moved to a new house and want to redesign the garden. There are some existing plants that we’d like to keep but they would need moving. Since we can’t redisgn all at once can we temporarily move these plants and then move them to a more permanent place later once we decide where they would best go? These plants would include roses and peonies.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 17, 2021

You can always transplant into pots to plant in the ground later. I would caution you about the peonies, though. If there is any way to do them first, have the new location ready when you dig them up, they will have a better chance of surviving. Peonies resent being moved and twice might do them in.



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