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Q.Mittleider Soil Question

Zone Fort Lauderdale, FL (I think don 11) | Anonymous added on October 18, 2023 | Answered

Hello, I am soooo excited, a couple of months ago I learned about the Mittleider Gardening method. I have their book and I’m ready to go, however, I have a question about the soil I should use. I live in South Florida and have been gardening in raised beds filled with organic potting soil. A couple of days go I filtered the soil using a screen (my husband made) to remove any rocks, debris, etc, and now I’m left with beautiful fine soil, like potting soil for my Mittleider boxes. My question: aside from the fertilizer that is recommended should I add anything to the soil, such as mulch, compost before planting? Thank you in advance for your help.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 19, 2023
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