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Q.Loss of Oleanders

Zone Marble Falls, Texas 87654 | texaslarry added on May 17, 2019 | Answered

I somehow lost an entire “Hedge of Older Oleanders” – some 25 plants that just seemed to die and wither away.
I tried to talk to our local nurseries to no avail – as they couldn’t tell me what might have happened and/or caused the oleanders to die and wither away….
That said, I’m in the process of replacing the lost oleanders and want to make sure I remove the older plants and plant the new plants in appropriate soil so as not to expose the new plants to anything in the soil that might have caused the problem.
I have attached a few pictures of the plants – please notice the “black” in the center of the large stems – the “brownish colored leaves” and “sick state of affairs of the plants”…..
If anybody might have an idea of what caused this problem – please advise me at texaslarry@outlook.com as I do not want this to happen in the future.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 17, 2019

I found some research information on an issue in your region of Bacterial Leaf Scorch of Oleanders.
Here is the link.
I would talk with your County Extension Office and see if they have any other information and how to keep insure the health of your new plantings.


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