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Pothos Plants

Q.leaves turning brown

Zone Selkirk New York | Anonymous added on May 3, 2020 | Answered

I have a pothos and the leaves have brown spots on them. What is it and how do I get rid of them naturally?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 5, 2020

Brown spots can appear on your pothos for several reasons. It may be getting too much water and not enough drainage. If it's been exposed to low temperatures for a period of time, it can become stressed with this result, also. The worst case may be that it has a bacterial disease, but that too can be from stressful growing conditions, like being overcrowded. Repotting with fresh, well-draining soil should help. Make sure to remove all the dead or spotted leaves - it will enjoy a good trim. Here's an article for you:




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