There are brown spots on my pothos. Why? How do I fix it? Also, I have a Sansevieria with similar issues. Then there are my Dracaenas. As they grow taller, the outer leaves at the bottom are browning/dying. How do I help my green friends stay healthy and continue to grow?
Brown spots and edges in houseplants are typically caused by watering issues. I would first check if they are rootbound. That is most likely the cause. This article should help you:
What is wrong with my pothos?
It sounds like it is mealybugs. This article will help:
I recently was given this beautiful hanging basket plant. I'm not sure whether I will keep it in the basket or convert it to a pole plant; however, I need to know the proper care of this special plant. The leaves are variegated with more white than green.
It needs the same basic care as a regular pothos, with one exception in that it will need more sunlight. Heavily variegated plants cannot produce as much energy from their leaves as their all green counterparts, so they need more light. So, unlike a normal pothos, this one will need medium light.
Will my pothos hanging basket survive outside with nighttime temperatures in the 30s (above freezing) and daytime highs in the 50s and 60s. . . soon to warm considerably. I live in Savannah where the summer temps are hot and very humid. The plants are on my front porch facing north, so the light they get is indirect but bright.
Pothos, also known as Devil's Ivy is originally from the Solomon Islands in the Pacific. It prefers indirect sunlight (the edges are easily burned and turn brown quickly if left in direct sun).
Keep your pothos warm; a minimum of 65 degrees. It also thrives in high humidity but do not over water.
Hope this helps~
How is Scindapsus aureus (Devil's ivy) propagated?
Also known as Pothos, these plants are easy to propagate. This article should help:
Where can I get Scindapsus aureus? I want to by this plant to grow in in my new home. I would really appreciate if you can tell me where can I get it.
Most garden supply centers that sell plants will have them available, or can put in an order for you, in some cases, if they're not readily on hand.
My golden pothos plants are doing ok except that I notice more yellow leaves with dried brown edges forming. Am I over or under watering? I water them once every two weeks but have increased to once a week now that the warmer weather is here. The plants are not kept in direct sunlight but pretty much shady cool areas. What am I doing wrong?
Without knowing your exact conditions, it is hard to say whether you are under or over watering. I would recommend that rather than watering on a schedule, that you water by touch. When you go to water, fell the top of the soil. If it is dry, water the plant, if it is not, do not water the plant. This will ensure you are watering to the plant's needs.