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Japanese Maple Trees

Q.Japanese Maple With Large Sucker, Tree Needs To Be Moved As Well

Zone 01720 | BRAy added on May 19, 2021 | Answered

Hello, I am Zone 6a and we have a young Japanese maple that has a rather large sucker. We were going to move the tree as it is a bad location and also want to remove the sucker as it is not shaped well and is green. Should I move it and then remove the sucker before winter? Or should I just do both now?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 19, 2021

I would remove the sucker, now, then move the tree during dormancy. Japanese Maples do not really like to be moved, so doing so when they bare "asleep" for the year can keep from harming them too much.

Keep all suckers removed, and treat with a mild fungicide, just in case.

Here are some articles that will help:



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