Q.Japanese Maple Help
A friend gave me a very small sapling, only a couple of inches high. I planted it in my front yard, which has full southern sun. I keep thinking I need to feed it but then I forget. I very much want to take care of it. With it being over 10 years old, I am not sure where to start, in feeding, pruning, any of it. I have included a pic of it. Can you offer any advice on its care?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
One thing you can do right away is remove the grass under the tree out to the canopy drip line, then fill it with two to three inches of mulch. I can see it has mower or weed eater damage (or else an animal is snacking on the bark).
I am attaching a link to all of our Japanese maple articles which will help with care and pruning.