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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Jackfruit seedling leaves turning brown

Zone 96717 | shawndoe2000 added on October 23, 2016 | Answered

I started my jackfruit plant from a seed. I planted in a pot, put on the balcony and everything was great. The plants grew to about 12 inches tall. I had to relocate and this is where everything started going downhill. The new location is located on the 5th floor of a complex and is extremely windy and salty all day and night. I continued to water the same but noticed the dirt gets dry on top despite the watering. Seems to be wet below the surface. It has only been a week and the leaves started to turn brown on the edges and some in the middle. See attached photo. Please help, how can I recover these? I just put out of direct wind which will mean less sunlight but not sure if that will be good enough.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on October 24, 2016

Yes this could be stress from the location change, wind damage and most likely some results of burning of the leaves from the salt.

You can try to create a wind break for the plants to reduce the salt residue hitting the leaves and the plants.


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