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Key Lime Trees

Q.ISD Treatment for Key Lime Tree

Anonymous added on March 28, 2011 | Answered

I live in Estero, Florida, which is about 10 miles north of Naples on the west coast of Florida. A Key lime tree recently purchased has a tagĀ that statesĀ its ‘ISD Treatment’ expires in Sept. Searches on the Internet for this ISD treatment have not revealed any info. Neither does the web site for the Lee County Extension Agent here in Florida.

What is ISD treatment? What protection does it provide for the tree?How often does it need to be applied and where can it be purchased?Also, please provide any additional info if there are any other recommended sprays needed to keep the tree healthy.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 28, 2011

ISD stands for Imidacloprid Soil Drench. It is a form of pesticide treatment that nurseries use to combat common pests. It is applied to the roots and stays in the plant's system for a certain amount of time, thus the expiration date.

It is not something that is widely available on a retail level, though you may find it in some specialty shops. A nice organic alternative that is widely available is neem oil. This article will tell you more about neem oil:

Here is a university doc on Imidacloprid: http://www.umassgreeninfo.org/fact_sheets/plant_culture/imidacloprid.pdf

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