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Hosta Plant

Q.Is There A Way To Store Hostas And Other Perennials Over The Winter

Zone Solon, Iowa Zone 5 | Anonymous added on October 2, 2022 | Answered

We are moving sometime in the next 2-3 months. I have a lot of hostas in my yard now and would like to have some for my new yard. I know I can move my small Japanese Maples as long as the ground isn’t frozen but what about other things? Would really like to not start all over since I’ve put a lot of money into these things and am getting older (68).

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 6, 2022

You can dig them up and put them in plastic nursery pots so you can move them. Add some potting soil to the container below and above the plant. Water when they dry out. You can keep them in the garage till you are ready to plant. I would wait till next spring to plant them in your new yard.

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