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Plant Identification

Q.Is there a good APP. that I can use to take a picture of a plant or flower and it will tell me what it is and how to take care of

Zone 92128 | Doug Damron added on July 26, 2018 | Answered

it? I have many many plants and flowers and fruit tress at our house we just rented and would like to learn what they are, how to maintain and when they bloom, etc…

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 26, 2018

There are a few apps that I have heard of, but after investigating myself on a few of them-the reviews are not so great! Feel free to do a search for such apps and see what you think! We don't recommend any such apps.!
Also feel free to upload images to us! We have a great mix of experienced gardeners that love to help with id's!
You can also talk with your local County Extension Office, they may be able to help you; especially with regional trees and shrubs.
This link will help you locate the nearest office to you.


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