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Rosemary Plants

Q.Is My Rosemary Plant Dead?

Paula added on April 2, 2011 | Answered

Hello, I’m not sure whether my 3-year-old Rosemary bush has died. The branches are very brittle, but fragrant. I’m not seeing any new growth yet. My plant is as large as a shrub and in a rock garden where it gets early sun. I love it, and I hope it’s not dead. Thanks! Paula

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 9, 2011

sounds like it is dead to me but what zone do you live in? Mine lives for several years then a heavy snow year seems to kill it/break it but I live in a moderate but wet climate on the west coast zones 5/6 & my rosemary usually grows year round. Cut it way back & see if new growth appears & if not time to get a new one.

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