When planting rosemary over or near a septic drainfield, will the root system invade the tiles that are 3 feet deep? Does this plant have a shallow or deep root system? My intent is to plant at least a foot and a half above the ground level.
Three feet deep should be deep enough to avoid damage from the rosemary. They don't have root systems that tend to be invasive as long as they get plenty of water.
I have a rosemary plant and I gave it beer instead of water and my plant got sick and turned brown. I have another plant which I watered with water and it grew perfectly fine. I want to know how exactly the beer affected the plant since I can’t seem to find the answer and I've been researching for quite a while but I can’t figure it out.
While there has not been too much hard study done on this, what little research there is suspects that the high sugar content in beer helps to accelerate the naturally occurring bacteria, fungus and microbes in the soil, which attack the plant.
Also, the alcohol may cause the roots to take in less water, which stresses the plants (and makes them even more susceptible to the previously mentioned attackers.)
I would like to know the most popular rosemary for a pot which is 50 cm. in diameter and 45 cm.
I would recommend the blue boy rosemary variety. It stays small and is rather hardy.
If the leaves have all turned brown, will the plant stay alive and the leaves turn green again with care? How do you keep rosemary healthy indoors? I like to cook with the fresh herb.
Rosemary indoors can be tricky. This article will help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/herbs/rosemary/grow-rosemary-indoors.htm
I bought a rosemary plant and had it indoors. I got it just after Thanksgiving and didn't repot it. I didn't realize that I ought to do that. I watered it often (also not realizing that it should dry out between waterings). It looks like it has dried up. Looks brown, maybe dead. I was thinking about repotting it, and maybe putting it outside on my porch in an attempt to revive it. How to you go about bringing it back to life? Is this a lost cause, or do I have a chance here? I am interested in growing rosemary, but seems like I had little luck here.
Rosemary is hard to keep alive indoors. If the plant itself is dried out to the stem, it will not recover. If only the soil is completly dried out, then soaking the pot in a tub of water will help rehydrate the soil again so the plant can get the water it needs. It does sound like it may be dead, but just to make sure, this article can help you test it to be sure: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/environmental/how-to-tell-if-a-plant-is-dead-and-how-to-recover-an-almost-dead-plant.htm
This article should also help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/herbs/rosemary/growing-rosemary-plants-rosemary-plant-care.htm
Do Rosemary trees' leaves fall off in the winter time?
No, it is an evergreen plant. If the leaves fall off, it is dying.
My Rosemary plant is drying up, should I give it more water (tap water) and how much? It is in a pot outside and gets about 6 hours of sunshine. The plant was inside until after Christmas.
It sounds like your plant is experiencing some shock at a rapid environment change. Anytime you move a plant from indoors to outdoors and vice versa, it needs to be acclimated (https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/hpgen/acclimating-houseplants-outdoors.htm).
I would treat it the same as if it had transplant shock. Here is information on how to do that: